AgroCares has provided handheld Scanners to ASDSP II program as a strategy to address one of the impediments to agricultural commercialization.
One of the key challenges that prevent agricultural commercialization is low productivity along agricultural value chains. The productivity of agricultural value chains is affected by several factors such as limited access to modern technologies, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of access to finance.
The Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme II (ASDSP II) is a 5-year-program funded by the Kenyan government (National and County Governments), the Swedish Government and the European Union (EU). The overall goal of ASDSP II is to contribute to transformation of crop, livestock and fishery production into commercially oriented enterprises that ensure sustainable food and nutrition security. The program aims to address key challenges that impede agricultural commercialization, among them being low productivity along agricultural value chains.
AgroCares has provided handheld Scanners to ASDSP II program as a strategy to address this challenge by maintaining easier access to modern agricultural technologies. The Scanners are handed over by ASDSP II to women groups as a way of having women involved in the agricultural value chains for economic empowerment. The women groups will use the Scanners to test soils for the over 15,000 small holder farmers in the program at a fee.
As AgroCares we believe that addressing these challenges is critical to promoting agricultural commercialization, improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, and promoting food and nutrition security.
Get in touch with our team to learn more about AgroCares and our handheld Scanner via