SoilCares (now part of AgroCares) international sales manager Robbert Ausems has participated in a trade mission to the Ukraine together with SoilCares’ Research Director Peter van Erp. This trade mission was led by mrs. Lilianne Ploumen, Dutch Minister of Foreign trade.
Before the trade mission took place the National Soil Centre in Kharkov was visited. The National Soil Centre signed an agreement to have a Lab-in-a-box as a demonstration laboratory this summer. This is a big step towards bringing our solutions to farmers in Ukraïne. A demo lab can show potential clients the convenience of the lab-in-a-box and show examples of recommendations that can be obtained from the Lab-in-a-box. The national Soil Centre will not only use the Lab-in-a-box as a demo lab, but will also use it to provide soil tests and fertiliser advices to farmers in the Ukraine.

Ukraine is one of the largest agrarian countries in Europe, our products can not only contribute by delivering higher yield but also to keep the soil fertility good for the future. With our products the farmer knows what to do!
Robbert Ausems
International Sales Manager