Ukrainian agricultural holdings submitted 180 soil samples for soil testing
SoilCares (now part of AgroCares) carries out a demonstration project in Ukraine, funded by the Dutch government. The project started last month in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. The aim of the project is to show to mid- and large scale agricultural enterprises the advantages of soil testing using sensor technology.
The program of the field day:
- 07:30 Registration
- 09:30 Opening speeches and presentations
- 11:30 Demo project
- 13:30 Demonstration of SoilCares Scanner
- 15:00 Lunch and discussion platform

During the field day you will have the opportunity to see how SoilCares Lab-in-a-Box works and attend various presentations.
Presentation topics:
- New spectrometry methods for soil analysis. Presentation of SoilCares soil testing concept.
- Comparison of traditional wet chemistry analysis and spectrometry. Presentation of the results of the joint project of SoilCares and NSC IGA.
- Using satellite images for crop growth monitoring
- And other presentations related to soil and plant diagnostics
Participants of SoilCares demonstration project will have the chance to discuss with our team the first soil testing results provided by SoilCares within the framework of the project.
Live demonstration of soil analysis using SoilCares Soil Scanner will also be part of the field day.
Would you like to participate in the field day? Please register in advance by sending an email to
We hope to see you all there!