Database & Calibration
Database & Calibration
Data-based intelligence
AgroCares' secret and innovation are not only found in the analysis tools, but the real intelligence behind our services lies in the database and prediction models we have developed and continue to grow with our partners worldwide.
Like most sensors, AgroCares technology also requires a database. Therefore, we strictly adhere to the saying 'your analysis results are as good as your database,' as it serves as the core and pride of all our work.
The process of establishing a database for a certain region is what we call 'calibration.' To find out whether your area of interest is already calibrated, you can find an overview here:
What is calibration?
Calibration is the operation used to establish a relation between the quantity values measured and provided by measurement standards (our Golden Standard Laboratory - GSL, using ISO certified wet chemistry methods) and the corresponding indications/predictions with associated measurements (the Scanner = the calibrated Instrument). In a second step, this information is used to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication/prediction.
In the context of AgroCares, this means taking samples from all target areas/areas of operation of our clients. To ensure that the samples taken contribute unique features to the database while also being representative samples of the area, the locations are pre-selected by our R&D Team (determined based on soil grids).
Our technical team provides sample equipment, protocols, and training to the local sample takers (partners/customers) prior to the sample collection to ensure that all necessary information is recorded and to maintain consistent quality throughout AgroCares' database.
The same process is followed for all calibrated areas to ensure a standardized procedure and consistent quality for every sample added to the database.
Once the samples are collected and freshly analyzed in the field, the samples are shipped to the Netherlands for further analysis at the AgroCares accredited reference Laboratory GSL, where they will be prepared once more and analyzed on almost 90 parameters.
In the final phase of the process, AgroCares' R&D team develops prediction models using the analysis data as a reference and incorporates them into our global database. These prediction models heavily rely on deep learning algorithms, enabling us to utilize more complex structures that result in highly precise predictions across all our sensors.
We are a small company, thinking big and the aim is to eventually cover all soil spectra in the world!
Are you interested in learning more about the calibration process, or do you want to calibrate a specific area for your operations? You can contact us under to get in touch with our team and receive an offer.
How does it work?

1. Defining
target region and
calibration points
2. Sample taking
and shipment
to NL
3. GSL
4. Prediction
Models /
How does it work?

target region and
calibration points

and shipment
to NL


Models /Database

From soil to feed and leaf database
When it comes to developing a database, the sky is the limit! It is a world of endless
opportunities for innovation and delivering valuable agronomical data. At AgroCares, we started to go beyond soil analysis with focus on feed materials and leaf tissue analysis.
Testing nutrients in animal feed has been an exciting development, together with our partner Trouw Nutrition, who is providing an extensive database of feed materials with the use of AgroCares Scanner & Software.
Since 2018, feed analysis has been globally available to all our customers.