
AgroCares in Dutch Science & Technology magazine KIJK

AgroCares Scanner featured as a weapon against global food shortage

AgroCares is featured in the latest issue of KIJK Magazine, a Dutch Science & Technology magazine. The magazine is published 12x times a year and reaches 227,000 people. This issue published an article on how AgroCares developed a practical way to help farmers in developing countries to test their soil and use their services as a weapon against global food shortage.

25,000 farmers reached

The article describes the growing need for food security as the world population increases and how Agrocares has provided 25,000 farmers with information on their soil. It also mentions how the Scanner provides valuable information to farmers about their soil and how to increase their yield.

A huge step forward

KIJK Magazine interviewed our Chief Agronomist Dr. Christy van Beek about her vision on soil fertility: “You cannot simply see soil fertility with the naked eye. With the help of our scanner, soil quality, which is the most important asset to farmers, is made visible’’. Within minutes, farmers now receive information on the level of nitrogen and phosphorus in their soil, and whether this is sufficient. “

Want to read the whole article?

The whole article is available (in Dutch) in the third issue of KIJK Magazine. Get your copy at the bookstores now or contact